How long have you gone without asking yourself, “is there a better way” to best engage, help, guide or support your child?
Parenting is without a doubt, one of the most difficult roles a caregiver can undertake.
Studies have shown that the average amount of time a parent or guardian spends with their children is surprisingly small. On average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, less than one hour a day is dedicated to children age six and older. Our desire is to help you make the most of this time by learning new ways to communicate, new ways to set realistic boundaries and new ways to appreciate your children.
At Clermont Behavioral Health, we can offer you support and guidance to help you navigate the ups and downs of parenting. We can help you create a stronger relationship with your children based on each individual family’s needs. We can assist you in creating parenting plans and then stand with you as you implement these plans. Along the way, we will assist you as unique challenges come along and help guide your decision making.
“There are two things parents should give their children roots and wings. Roots to give them bearing and a sense of belonging, but also wings to help free them from constraints and prejudices and give them other ways to travel (or rather, to fly).” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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