Teenagers are at a critical time in their lives where they can be influenced by peers, parents, siblings, many different media sources, teachers, coaches, religious leaders, authorities and others. Signs of depression, changes in sleep or eating, isolation, new behaviors, increased anxiety, signs of alcohol or substance use, increased stress, risk seeking behavior, loss of a friend or family member, and distress from bullying can lead to a negative change in behavior.
Teen substance abuse
Our approach to teen alcohol and substance use is age appropriate with a primary focus on safety and daily functioning. Typically increased use of alcohol and substances can be linked to a root cause that when looked at in an open and non judgmental environment can be effectively addressed with long term positive outcomes.
At this critically important time, teens may be reluctant to reach out for help and support to address these concerns and may not even be aware of their change in behavior and how it may be impacting their lives.
At Clermont Behavioral Health we will listen to your child and give them a voice to feel heard as we discover together what is impacting their lives.
Call today for a complimentary consultation.
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