At some point in our lives, we will be touched by someone we know or a loved one with a substance addiction or behavioral addiction. Addiction to alcohol or prescription medications is just the tip of the iceberg for the many addictive behaviors that we face today. Behavioral addictions such as work, gambling, exercise; emotional eating, Internet pornography, sex, shopping and video games are all very serious and can impact daily functioning and quality of life for the addict and the family system. Many times addictions are rooted in dealing with emotional issues through unhealthy behaviors. We can help you identify and take responsibility for your behavior to regain control of your life. Stress and anxiety from work spill over into a need to “let off some steam,” while stress and anxiety from substance abuse or addictive behaviors cycle around and impact one’s work life.
Through my intensive clinical work in my clinical internship and private practice, I am especially qualified at addressing the issue of addiction head-on. It’s one of the most common issues I see among men, women, adolescents, and teens. Addiction is certainly an understandable development as the result of many life and environmental factors, but it is also tied to a life of self-destruction. My goal is to address the negative coping patterns tied to substance abuse and addiction before it compromises the life my clients hope to build for themselves.
When a substance or behavioral addiction becomes the primary relationship in your life, it is time to get the help you and your family deserve.
Resources for Addictions
12 Step Groups
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) (
- Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) (
- All Addictions Anonymous (
- ( For family members of addicts.
- Cocaine Anonymous (CA) (
- Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) (
- Dual Recovery Anonymous (UK): A 12-Step Program for those with a dual diagnosis
- Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) (
- Gamblers Anonymous (GA) (
- Narcotics Anonymous(NA) (
- Nar-Anon ( For family members of addicts.
- Nicotine Anonymous (
- Marijuana Anonymous (
- Methadone Anonymous (
- S-Anon (
- Sexaholics Anonymous (
- Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) (
- Women for Sobriety (WFS) (
- XA Speakers ( A collection of recordings from speaker meetings, conventions and workshops of 12-step groups.
- 12 Steps ( Resources for all 12 step programs. It contains an in-depth discussion and forum on the 12 steps.
- A list of 12 Step treatment centers around the world.
Online Self-Help Forums
- AA Intergroup (
- Addiction Recovery Guide (
- Addiction Survivors (
- Soberistas (
- 12 Step Forums (
Treatment Locator for the US
- Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator ( A database of drug and alcohol treatment programs in the U.S.
Independent Reviews and Ratings of Rehab Programs
- Book Your Care (
Government Agencies
- National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (
- National Institute of Drug Abuse (
- National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (
- Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (
- National Institute of Mental Health (
- Smoke Free (
- World Health Organization (
- Addiction Recovery Guide Addiction and recovery resources.
- All Treatment ( A drug rehab directory.
- American Lung Association (
- American Society of Addiction Medicine (
- Benzodiazepine Addiction, Withdrawal&Recovery (
- Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Federation ( An organization that certifies and monitors addiction counselors in Canada.
- Canadian Lung Association (
- Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine (
- Employee Assistance Professionals Association (
- Employee Assistance Program Association of Toronto (
- Helping Others Live Sober Aimed at people in recovery and professionals. Together, we are united in the shared goal of Helping Others Live Sober.
- International Center for Alcohol Policies (
- National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) ( An organization that certifies and monitors addiction counselors.
- Partnership For Drug Free America (
- Project Cork (
Other Resources
- Addiction
- Bellwood
- Benzo Withdrawal Forums Online group support for benzodiazepine addiction, withdrawal and recovery. (
- Domestic Violence Outreach Program
- Drug and Alcohol Treatment Referral
- My Addiction
- Opiate Addiction Resource
- Pressing The Issue
- Stop And Think Radio
- Recovery Connection
- Support Groups
- Valley Hope: Drug and alcohol rehab nonprofit organization.
(IMPORTANT: I am not responsible for the content of these sites. Nor do I necessarily endorse all the statements in these sites. However I do believe they contain useful information.)
Reach out today
If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, you don’t need to go through it alone. Help is available.
Contact me for a complimentary consultation. Give me a call, or just fill out the contact form and press Send.
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